Nalanda Founder Bro. H S Tan has sent an official letter to the relevant authorities regarding the desecration of an ancient temple in Sungai Batu Archaeological Area, Bujang Valley, Kedah. We can only provide excerpts of the letter here for public information.
Read moreNalandians extend our warmest wishes and respect to Venerable Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero on his 86th birthday today! We were truly honoured to host Ven. Gunaratana at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for 8 days, from 22 – 29 November, and also at NEO Centre Johor Bahru for a day on 21 November. Popularly known as ‘Bhante G’, Ven. Gunaratana is a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher and author of several influential works, such as the best-selling ‘Mindfulness in Plain English’. Read more
Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia extends our deepest condolences to the people of South Africa on the passing of Nelson Mandela, a global icon of courage, strength and peace. The world has lost another humanistic voice of conscience, and a little of its shine today with his passing. To all people in the world who love freedom from racism and oppression, let us strive on with conviction and compassion. Santī, Peace.
Read moreOn Sunday 1 December, a team of 12 Nalandians attended a “Building Fund-Raising Luncheon” organized by Serdang Buddhist Association at Hee Lai Ton Restaurant, Seri Kembangan. From its humble beginnings 24 years ago, Serdang Buddhist Association has contributed much to the community through various programmes and activities. As part of their expansion plan, a new building to cater for the Association’s activities is being planned.
Read moreOn 1 December, Ayya Susīla led the Bhāvanā Day (one-day meditation retreat) at Nalanda Centre. After the morning Pūja, Ayya Susīla delivered a profound and inspiring Dhamma talk themed “Returning to the Purity of Mind”. Ayya shared that one should not just focus on having clarity of mind, but also its purity through the cultivation of morality and wisdom.
Read moreNalanda Institute Convocation Ceremony for participants of BPS 302 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies was joyously held on 30 November at Nalanda Centre. The ceremony began with an ‘ovada’ or advice from Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Director of Nalanda Institute. He complimented all graduates for their diligence and determination over the past 5 months to complete the course. Achariya Vijaya also quoted ‘Mangala Sutta‘ to the audience, which contains Buddha’s advice on the way to live a noble way of life which ultimately leads to liberation from suffering.
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The Nalanda Children’s Learning Camp was held over 4 days from 25 to 28 November, and participated by primary school pupils aged 9 to 12. Following the success of the Teenager’s Learning Camp, students and facilitators of Nalanda Dharma School put in more hard-work to organise the annual camp with just a week’s interval! 62 participants spent time fruitfully at Nalanda Centre learning about love and happiness.
On Friday 29 November, many devotees came from near and far, joyously offered lunch dāna to Ven. Dr. Gunaratana at Nalanda House. As the Venerable’s 86th birthday is approaching next week, we took this opportunity to celebrate Bhante’s birthday in advance, not with one birthday cake, but with two! Read more
On Wednesday 27 November, Nalanda Centre welcomed the maiden visit of Ven. Ajahn Jayanto from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK. Devotees took the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to both Ven. Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Maha Thero and Ven. Ajahn Jayanto. Read more