On Monday 8 July, Bro. Tan led the New-moon Uposatha Day Puja at NEO Centre Johor Bahru. After which, Bro.Tan gave an uplifing talk on the purpose of spiritual cultivation, which is to develop the ability to view things from a 'Dhamma prism' and hence obtain Right Views. The talk was very well-attended, which saw a packed Shrine-Hall. Attendees included a group of devotees from Metta Lodge led by Dr. Wong Yin Onn, and Singaporean devotees from the Buddhist Fellowship.
Read moreThe 8th Global Conference on Buddhism, with the theme "In the World of Rapid Change", was held at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See (KMSPKS) in Singapore from 6 - 7 July 2013. 1,300 participants took part in the largest gathering of its kind this year. The Conference was organised by the Buddhist Fellowship and Buddhist Congress of Singapore, and supported by 5 other local organisations.
Read more10 July marks the beginning of Ramadhan, and the start of month-long fasting for all Muslims. Fasting during Ramadhan is intended to cultivate sensual restraint, reflection, discipline, and wholesomeness. With this cultivation, the minds of sincere practitioners will experience greater tranquility and peace.
Read moreToday, a series of bomb explosions was committed by suspected terrorists at the most sacred site to Buddhists worldwide – the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, India – the seat of Buddha’s Enlightenment 2,600 years ago, injuring a few pilgrims and damaging some structures.
Read moreOn Tuesday, 25 June, a special parenting talk by Bro. Aggaphala Yap was held at NEO Centre Johor Bahru. Bro. Yap is a professional counselor specializing in youth-related issues. The talk was well-attended, and participants found the sharing relevant and most useful to communicating with their teenage children.
Read moreOn 30 June, Bro. Benny Liow, Editor of YBAM’s Buddhist journal – the “Eastern Horizon”, gave a Dhamma talk on the “Five Daily Reflections”. Bro. Benny quoted from the Upajjhatthana Sutta (AN 5.57) on the five facts of life that should often be reflected upon.
Read moreThe following is a summary of Bro. Tan’s teaching on 26 June, the third group meditation in conjunction with the Gimhana Retreat held at Nalanda Centre.
Read more‘Happiness’ is but a fleeting emotion that lasts for just a short time, before it is displaced by other feelings. ‘Unhappiness’ on the other hand, can last for days or even years, because it can transmute into many forms – be it disappointment, jealousy or anger. Unhappiness is not so much the opposite of happiness, rather it is the absence of happiness.
Read moreOn 22 June, a Career Exploration Seminar was held at Nalanda Centre and was mostly attended by teenagers aged 16 to 18. Counsellor Bro. Aggaphala Yap Hock Heng guided participants in exploring their personal interests and priorities, leading them on a journey of self-discovery. It was a thought-provoking and highly interactive session as the youngsters took the opportunity to clarify and find out more about how they can translate what they like to do into potential future career options!
It was the second group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat on Wednesday, 19 June. Following the 45-minute quiet sitting, Bro. Tan quoted Sutta 4.110 from the Anguttara Nikaya on the four kinds of vipers (poisonous snakes), which are comparable to four kinds of persons:
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