News & Updates

18 April 2013

Nalanda JB Branch Pro-tem Committee Elected

Nalanda Buddhist Society Johor Bahru Branch achieved an important milestone on Sunday, 14 April.  The inaugural meeting of the Pro-tem Committee was held under the chairmanship of  Bro. Yap Chong Huat. The meeting was also attended by Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhini Tan, representing Nalanda's Board of Management, 3 Board Members, and 4 other Nalanda officers.

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17 April 2013

Youth Centre Sunday Dhamma Discussion

On 14 April, the Nalanda Youth Centre organised the first Youth Sunday Dhamma Discussion.  The objective of this programme is to deepen members’ knowledge and understanding of the Dhamma and how one can apply the Buddha’s teachings in daily life.

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16 April 2013

F.U.N. session discusses “Great Leaders”

On 13 April, the youths had another F.U.N. session! The theme for this Fellowship Undergraduate Night was “Great Leaders in the World”.  Bro. Aggavamsa Wong shared some inspiring stories and quotes from several prominent figures.

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10 April 2013

‘Nalanda Macro’ Plenary Session

On Sunday, 7 April, Nalanda leaders had a plenary session to discuss Nalanda Macro 2014-2015.  Nalanda Macro is an important document published annually which outlines the programmes and objectives of all divisions and departments for the ensuing period. This plenary session was facilitated by Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhini, and attended by the President, Deputy President, Treasurer, Members of the Board, Divisional Directors, and Heads of Departments.

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9 April 2013

Monthly Pindacāra in April

It was yet another wonderful morning when Buddhist laity in Taman O.U.G. morning market had the opportunity to offer alms-food to the venerable bhikkhus on Pindacāra.  This monthly programme organised by the Nalanda Sangha Support Team continues to attract the interests and participation of the marketing crowd, as well as stall operators there.  After the Pindacāra, devotees adjourned to NEO Centre in Happy Garden for a Mandarin Dhamma Talk by Bro. Aggaphala Yap.  We take this opportunity to thank the venerables, all our great volunteers and the Sangha Support Team members for their monthly effort in providing this programme for the benefit of the many.  Sadhu anumodana!

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9 April 2013

‘Nalanda Day’ Celebrations

1 May marks the establishment date of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia, and is designated as Nalanda Day.  This year's celebration is extra-special to us as we observe Nalanda's 10th Anniversary! The day-long programme on 1 May 2013 starts with the morning puja at 9am, followed by official speeches, talks, and Sanghika Dana.  In the evening, there will be a "Malam Mengenang Budi" Appreciation Dinner and performances to fete our benefactors, donors, supporters, devotees, and volunteers that have supported our educational work over the last decade.  We invite everyone to come and rejoice over the progress made in holistic Buddhist education and integral human development.  Sadhu anumodana!

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6 April 2013

Junior Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Over a three-day period from 26 – 28 March, Nalanda Dharma School organised a Stay-in Programme for our junior students from the Happy Garden, Kuala Lumpur (KL) branch.  As part of the stay-in, the students had an outing to the KL Bird Park, lunch at Lake Gardens, and visited the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB).  

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31 March 2013

Visit by Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia and Buddhist Reborn

On Sunday, 31 March, members of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia and Buddhist Reborn visited and spent the day at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang. It was a full day of friendly discussions as we got to know each other better and exchanged information and ideas related to Buddhism.

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30 March 2013

Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dumrong and Luang Por Jundee

Nalanda is honoured by the visit of Luang Por Dumrong, Luang Por Jundee and Tan Ajahn Moshe on 30 March. The venerables are from the Thai Forest tradition and disciples from the late Ajahn Chah lineage.

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29 March 2013

Career Talk for Youths

On 17 March 2013, a career talk with the topic “Plan Your Education and Career Now” was held at Nalanda Centre. The speaker, Mr. Lok Eng Hong, pointed out that the world is ever-changing very quickly. We should keep up with the news every day and be competent to cope with the rapidly changing market demands. Employers can interpret a person’s character by merely viewing the first page of one’s resume. 

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