News & Updates

11 August 2012

Wholesome Giving during Pindacāra (Alms-round)

'Pinda' in the Pāli language means “a lump of food, especially of alms”. 'Pāta' refers to “bowl” whereas 'cāra' is “to move about”. Hence 'pindapāta' is “food received in the alms-bowl (of a monk)” whereas 'pindacāra' means “going on alms-round; wandering for alms”.

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10 August 2012

“One Life Five Precepts”

Have you read a Dhamma book today?

Book title : One Life Five Precepts : Buddhist Ethics for Modern Living
Author : Venerable Faxun
ISBN : 9789810899905
Topic : Concepts, Teachings and Practice

In this book, you will find a clear explanation of each precept and the benefits of living in accordance with it.  Use your mind of wisdom and compassion to contemplate your actions so that instead of living with the motivation “I want what I want when I want it, and it doesn’t matter what I do to get it,” you live with the intention “My life depends on the kind efforts of others.  Therefore I want to reciprocate their kindness by not harming them.  Furthermore, because I care about myself, I want to put the seeds of positive karma, not destructive karma, in my mindstream.”  Then experience the joy that comes from living an ethical life…

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10 August 2012

“The Great Discovery”

13 July & 10 August 2012

Pustaka Nalanda’s Monthly Dhamma Discussions

‘The Great Discovery’ was the topic of the July Dhamma discussion at Nalanda Centre. The serialised monthly discussion is a Pustaka Nalanda programme aimed at bringing the Dhamma to those who want to know more about the Buddha’s teachings. Our presenter Bro. Ananda Fong skilfully guides participants in uncovering the Buddha’s ‘Great Discovery’ – the Four Noble Truths. In the 13 July session, the discussion was on the first three Noble Truths of Dukkha; the cause of Dukkha; and the end of Dukkha. The fourth Noble Truth of the path leading to the cessation of Dukkha was discussed on 10 August under the topic ‘The Path to Happiness’.

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9 August 2012

Building Harmony through Interfaith

On Saturday, 4 August 2012, a team of Nalandians led by our Deputy President Bro. Lee Teck Beng attended the Ramadhan Muhibah Gathering & Break-Fast with Leaders of various faiths in Bangi.  This event was organised by the Islamic Information Services (IIS) Foundation, and sponsored by Jabatan Perpaduan & Integrasi Nasional and Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS).

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5 August 2012

NEW Children Dharma Class at NEO @ Happy Garden

5 August marked the start of Children’s Dhamma Class at NEO Centre, Happy Garden. The class is aimed at giving children a good grounding in knowledge, skills, values and culture. The four Nalanda Dharma School facilitators sent to teach at NEO Centre are highly motivated. Lessons are activity-based to make them interesting and lively for the children. The children’s class is held every Sunday, from 2 – 4pm. The annual enrolment is limited to a small number of students so as to enable facilitators to maintain personal rapport with their charges. Parents who are interested to enrol children (age 10 – 12) at Nalanda may contact the School Director, Sis. Sunanda Ong at 03-8938-1501. Enrolment for next year (2013) will begin on 15 October 2012.

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3 August 2012


Synopsis Cittaviveka, which in Pāli means “the Mind of Non-Attachment”, is a work by Ajahn Sumedho based on his reflections of teaching Dhamma in the West.  The book is divided into two parts - the first part speaks about living our lives skilfully through letting go, listening to one’s mind and understanding the five hindrances. The second part talks about the functions of the monastery to the people and society. The learning from a monastery guides people to be free from attachments, which is the source of much suffering in the world.

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1 August 2012

Observing the ‘Vassa’ – Annual Rains Retreat

Beginning the day after the full-moon of Asalha month (around July every year), Theravada Buddhist monks are required to observe Vassana or ‘Rains Retreat’ for a duration of 3 months.  The Vassana period from July-August to October-November corresponds with the monsoon season in South and Southeast Asia (which were historically Buddhist strongholds), thus making traveling very difficult and even dangerous.  Monks and nuns were often invited by Buddhist communities to reside in village Aramas (monasteries and nunneries) for the duration of the ‘rains’.

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1 August 2012

Farewell to Venerable Guttacitta

After 3-weeks sojourning at Nalanda House, Venerable Guttacitta left this morning to return to Bagan Serai.  Ven. Guttacitta will be observing the Vassana (Rains Retreat) in Perak, starting on 3 August.  Many Nalandians were on hand to bid farewell to the venerable at noon, after the customary request for forgiveness and blessings.  We wish Ven. Guttacitta good health and much peace.  We would also like to thank all Nalandians and devotees who have kindly and generously provided food, transport and other forms of dāna to the venerable during his sojourn.  May your goodness lead you to greater joy and peace.  Sadhu anumodana!

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31 July 2012

Metta Sutta Workshop in Terengganu

20 – 22 July

Over 3 days, Bro. Tan was invited by Gandhārama Vihāra to conduct a commentarial course on the Karaniya Mettā Sutta in Terengganu. The workshop was held at the beautiful Kenyir Lake Resort amidst peaceful surroundings. In a series of 7 talks, Bro. Tan inspired the more than 40 participants with insightful teachings and gladdened everyone’s heart with Dhamma!

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30 July 2012

Satipatthāna Sutta Workshop

26 – 30 July

The Satipatthāna Sutta Workshop held in Nalanda Institute may be over back in March, but its impact and the learning demand resonated throughout the country, whereby six other similar workshops were subsequently held in Penang, Perak, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, and even Singapore, under the skilful guidance of Venerable Aggacitta Mahathero.

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