News & Updates

22 July 2012

Visit by Buddhist Gem Fellowship Exco

Three members of Buddhist Gem Fellowship visited Nalanda Dharma School on 29 July to gather information on starting a Dhamma class for teenagers at their new premises. Sis. Dolly Teoh, Sis. Elaine and Sis. Lau observed Dharma School facilitators conducting their lessons. They also met with students from the School's choir, Publications team, Library Club and Junior Club, who shared their views on the School’s activities with the visitors. The visitors were taken on a tour of Nalanda Centre, followed by a discussion on Buddhist education. We wish BGF all the best in their efforts to teach Dhamma to teenagers.

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20 July 2012

“Unlimiting Mind”

Synopsis The book contains a wonderful collection of short and illuminating essays which serve as reflections on how we see ourselves and the world. Plucking from the supreme wisdom of the Buddha, the author wrote about the relations between the human conditions and the radical psychological insights of the Buddha. Among the topics included are ‘Understanding the Bigger Picture”, ‘Caring for the World’, ‘Constructing Reality’, ‘Understanding the Teachings’, ‘The Emergence of Mindfulness’, etc. By reading the book, one will gain deeper understanding of the Dhamma as experiential tools for exploring the inner world.

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17 July 2012

“Manado Mission” fulfilled!

Three years ago, the Buddhist community leaders from Manado, North Sulawesi invited Bro.Tan to visit and give Dhamma talks there.  Given his busy schedule, it has taken that long to finally fulfill the promise.  But in the words of Manado devotees, “it was well worth the long wait”!

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17 July 2012

Mind Your Body

The greatest of all gains is health, Nibbana is the greatest bliss. The Eightfold Path is the best of paths, For it leads safely to the Deathless. MN 75 : Magandiya Sutta

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15 July 2012

Study Tour to Borobudur & Yogjakarta

On 6 July, 42 participants on the 5-day Borobudur Study Tour departed for Yogjakarta with Bro. Tan as the tour leader. The highlight of this tour was a visit to the famous Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Participants were amazed at the many candis they visited. Every candi (such as Candi Mendut, Candi Plaosan, and Candi Sewu) has a rich history; and all of them were beautifully constructed. One could marvel at how people of the past had such strong faith in the Buddha-Dhamma which inspired them to build those majestic structures.

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13 July 2012

Happiness is Our Own Responsibility

A core teaching of the Buddha is that "We are what we think."  Happiness and sorrow are our own responsibility.  We are not helpless victims of unchangeable negative emotions.  If we train our mind properly, happiness will be the result.

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10 July 2012

Achieving Well-being in Our Lives

As Buddhists, we strive to attain balance and happiness in our lives.  Being well is ensuring our physical, mental and spiritual health.  The devotees who attended the Service Sunday yesterday were allocated into six groups, each to discuss about one of the Six Well-beings (namely Physical, Mental, Family, Economic, Interpersonal and Spiritual).   Then, a representative from each group presented on the key points.

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9 July 2012

Volunteer as a Dharma School Facilitator!

Are you inspired by the Dharma?  Do you see the importance of educating our children for the welfare of our future?  If yes, come and join us in this significant role as provider of holistic education to our younger generation!

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9 July 2012

National Maha Sanghikadana at Bodhi Park

7 & 8 July 2012 It was a truly grand sight at the National Maha Sanghikadana this weekend as the Malaysian Buddhist community came together to support the meaningful event.  Offering alms and participating in the Maha Sanghikadana strengthens the harmonious ties between the Sangha and lay devotees.  This is vital for the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.  Sadhu anumodana to all who donated, volunteered and participated in this auspicious occasion!

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8 July 2012

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 10

Tranquility permeated the shrine hall as devotees sat in silent meditation, calming the mind, absorbing the surrounding aura of peace. It was the start of the Nalanda Annual Gimhana Dhamma Retreat. ("Gimhana", in pali means "summer" or "hot season")

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