News & Updates

3 October 2012

YBAM Leaders visit Nalanda

Nalanda welcomed a visit by national leaders of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) on 3 October.  The delegation was warmly received by many Nalandian members present. As a token of appreciation, Bro. H S Tan presented Nalanda's donation to YBAM for their efforts over the past 40 years to propagate the Dhamma in Malaysia, for which all Malaysian Buddhists should be grateful for.

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2 October 2012

Ven. Dhammavuddho at Nalanda

Ayasma (Venerable) Dhammavuddho Thero, Abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama in Temoh, Perak, will be sojourning at Nalanda Centre on 3-4 October 2012.  This is an opportunity to meet with and offer dana to the venerable on Thursday, 4 October, at 7am (breakfast) and 11am (lunch).

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30 September 2012

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Different people like the Mid-Autumn Festival for different reasons.  While some are inspired by the historical stories or legends associated with it, some enjoy this Festival for its culture and significance.  Imagine, with a cup of hot chrysanthemum tea and some mooncakes, listening to the cheerful laughter of children with their beautiful lanterns, and the chatter of family members who are happily catching up with each other, the atmosphere feels so calm and peaceful.

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28 September 2012

Fostering healthy family relationships

“The mother-child relationship is paradoxical. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, to become fully independent.”  - Erich Fromm

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27 September 2012

“武则天” 音乐剧

以上是星洲日报9月24日(星期一)特别新闻专访。 Nalanda 将与《大马乐团》合作,为筹募Nalanda教育及发展基金,为大家带来以下两场慈善音乐剧; 十月六日 (星期六), 傍晚7时45分 十月十四日 (星期天), 下午2时30分 有兴趣者,请联络Nalanda负责人Vincent 012-211 3970, Charlie 019-212 6382 或 Joyce 012-212 2878。 谢谢大家的支持!感恩!

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26 September 2012

“Empress Wu” the Musical

Press coverage on "Empress Wu" the Musical, published in The Star, on Sunday, 23 September. In collaboration with the well-acclaimed musical group DAMA Orchestra, Nalanda is organizing a fundraising musical in aid of Nalanda Education & Development Fund to help needy Malaysian students obtain holistic guidance and all-rounded education.

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25 September 2012

Positive Thinking

On 23 September 2012, for the first time, the Nalanda Youth Centre took charge of the programme for the National Service (NS) Trainees’ Service Sunday.  The theme was ‘Positive Thinking’.  The NS trainees were encouraged to have positive thoughts, as mind is the forerunner of all things.  They were also reminded not to dwell too much on the past, and instead to always aspire to be better in the near future and to make decisions wisely.  It was a lively and vibrant session as the trainees participated with enthusiasm and gusto!

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21 September 2012

Study Tour to Sri Lanka

The “Sri Maha Bodhi” Bo-tree was a sapling from the original Bo-tree in Bodhgaya, brought to Sri Lanka from India by Theri Sanghamitta, the daughter of King Asoka.

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14 September 2012

“Empress Wu” the Musical

In collaboration with the well-acclaimed musical group DAMA Orchestra, Nalanda is organizing a fundraising musical in aid of Nalanda Education & Development Fund to help needy Malaysian students obtain holistic guidance and all-rounded education. Centred around the dramatic tale of China’s first and only female emperor who brought her empire to great power, you will be transported to ancient China in this compelling show entitled "EMPRESS WU” the Musical.

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13 September 2012

Fellowship Undergraduate Night (F.U.N.)

Do you wish to build your network of friends and meet other Buddhist youth? How about developing the necessary skills that would help you in any leadership role; be it leading a small group or heading a society? If this is what you are looking for, then Fellowship Undergraduate Night (F.U.N.) is for you!

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