Today, 28 October 2023 marks the 70th birthday of the Most Venerable Bootawatte Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero. An indefatigable missionary who has dedicated four decades of his life towards uplifting the spirit of social service and unity amongst Buddhists here in Malaysia, his compassionate efforts have touched the lives of many monks and laity alike.
Read moreOn Tuesday, 24 October, Nottingham Buddhist Society hosted Nalanda Youth leader, Bro. Yeo Disheng for a Dhamma talk at their weekly meeting. Even after a full day at lectures, the students were eager to deepen their understanding about the Five Precepts, in the company of their alumni members.
Read moreLast Saturday on 21 October, the ‘Green Warriors’ of Wisdom Park skilled up by learning how to ‘marcott’ – a way of propagating plants that are difficult to root from cuttings. This method of propagation requires volunteers to be thorough and careful, thus cultivating patience and mindfulness. Thanks to our volunteers, we are able to replicate more plants and green the environment of Wisdom Park.
Read moreWe invite you to join Sangha Day this Sunday 29 October to express gratitude and support Sangha members by offering robes, requisites and funds for their medical care and education. The service starts at 9am and features Dhamma talks in English and in Mandarin (full programme below).
Read moreThe Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N.) programme is at its halfway point with its participants gathering last Saturday 21 October for their third session. The university students explored the Sangaha Sutta (Anguttara Nikaya 4.32) with Bro. Lim Ajit, to better understand the foundations of positive social and familial connections.
Read moreLast Thursday, on 19 October, 34 members of Persatuan Buddhist University Putra Malaysia (PBUPM) held their society meeting at Nalanda Centre. Being in close proximity with UPM, we were glad to host the students again and provide a conducive environment for their learning and training purposes.
Read moreOn Sunday 15 October, Nalanda youths delved deeper into understanding the Five Hindrances and how to overcome them gradually, with Sis. Nandinī Tan at the Youth Sunday Service. In the Āhārasutta (Samyutta Nikaya 46.51), the Buddha taught that giving careless attention to things such as sensual desires, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and doubt, become nutriments for the arising of the hindrances.
Read moreWith the completion of the Rains-Retreat (Vassana), lay Buddhists around the world have been engaged in the joyous and festive ‘Kathina-offering’ season, making offerings to honour the Sangha (the Buddhist monastic order). In Itivuttaka verse 107, the Buddha said to his retinue “Monks, brahmans & householders are very helpful to you, as they provide you with the requisites of robes, alms food, lodgings, & medical requisites for the sick.
Read moreThe Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N) is well underway as 20 undergraduates spent a wholesome afternoon last Saturday, 14 October, with kalyana mittas to discover more about effective communication.
Read moreLearning Dhamma as a family enables parents to connect better with our children and also grow together in wholesome values. We invite you to register for Nalanda Family Dhamma School catered for the entire family, where parents and children will come together for Dhamma learning and practice.
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