On Sunday 18 June, Nalanda Dhamma School students in Serdang and Family Dhamma School students in Kuala Lumpur celebrated the love and care from their fathers and father-figures. The celebrations created beautiful memories and also reinforced the importance of fathers in nurturing and shaping their children’s lives.
Read moreNalanda Youth Centre welcomes working adults of ages 23-33 to join the Happy Young Adults forum themed ‘Achieve Career Success NOW’ and learn how we can thrive at the workplace, and find deeper satisfaction in life. Do share this with your family members and friends, for an opportunity to further enhance our well-being at work!
Read moreOn Saturday 10 June, Nalanda Institute hosted the second of three Dhammapada Study Series at Nalanda Centre. Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy led participants in a reflection of 8 verses from the Yamaka Vagga (The Chapter of Twin Verses), in which each pair consist of verses which are similar in language but bear opposite meanings to provide contrast on the path to be taken and the path to be avoided.
Read moreWe are happy to announce that the popular Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ is back after a pause of three years due to the pandemic. This year, it will be held on 13 August from 9am to 3pm. One of the most anticipated events in Nalanda’s annual calendar, it is a joyful gathering of family, friends and the entire community in support of a wholesome cause.
Read morePatriarch, leader, provider, protector, coach – fathers today play as varied a role to their children as mothers do. On this Father’s Day, we wish all dads a truly blessed life with lots of love, peace and happiness. “Happy Father’s Day”!
Read moreToday is the 105th birth anniversary of the late Luang Pu Chah Subaddho (หลวงปู่ชา). Let us pay humble tribute to this great teacher of many by recollecting his teachings and by practising them diligently!
Read moreNalanda Dhamma School facilitators gathered on Sunday 4 June for a full-day session to discuss and plan for upcoming school programmes. We thank our Dhamma School facilitators for taking the time and making the effort to guide our children and teenagers towards more skilful and harmonious lives, in accordance to Dhamma.
Read moreOn Thursday 15 June, devotees sent off Ven. Alokavamsa and his entourage after a 3-week stay at Nalanda Centre. We thank Venerable for the bountiful opportunities to make meal-offerings, serve Sangha members, and have candid Dhamma discussions.
Read moreNalanda Youth Centre welcomes working adults of ages 23-33 to join the Happy Young Adults forum themed ‘Achieve Career Success NOW’ and learn how we can thrive at the workplace, and find deeper satisfaction in life. The forum panelists feature Buddhist practitioners who will share their diverse experience and perspectives in reaching career goals whilst upholding Dhamma principles.
Read moreFrom 3 to 5 June, 36 Nalanda youths and members embarked on a journey of discovery to Bujang Valley in this first study tour organised by Nalanda Youth Centre. The group which was led by Youth leaders Bro. Yeo Disheng and Bro. Lim Ajit, immersed themselves in the rich Buddhist history in the north of the peninsular dating back to 1st Century BCE.
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