Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre

Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre

The Management and members of Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to humbly invite the Buddhist community to participate in the ‘Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre Annex Building’ this Friday 1 May, starting at 6.30pm, in Sri Serdang, Selangor.

The programme for Friday evening is as follows :

18.00   Arrival of Guests
18.30   Buffet Dinner for invited guests*
19.30   Traditional Procession – “Buddha Abhisekhara”
20.00   Stage Performances
20.30   Felicitations
21.00   Nalanda Centre Building Tour



Nalanda Centre’s annex building underwent 7½ months of reconstruction from 15 May till 31 December 2014.  On 1 January 2015, Nalanda retook possession of the building and continued with another 4 months of interior works and furnishing.

Today, the Centre stands ready to welcome thousands of visitors for the 2015 Wesak season.  With bigger space and better facilities, we are happy and honoured that Nalanda Centre can now play an even greater role in Dhamma education for the entire Malaysian Buddhist community.



Nalanda would like to thank all donors, benefactors, and well-wishers from all over Malaysia, Singapore and overseas for your tremendous support and contributions towards the completion of this project.  We would also like to pay tribute to our dedicated Building Committee, all contractors, suppliers, workers, and volunteers for your hard work in building us a wonderful ‘spiritual home’.

We look forward to seeing everyone at Nalanda Centre this Friday evening for the Officiating Ceremony.  Svagatam – all are welcome!