Opportunity to donate pillars

Opportunity to donate pillars

A few of the 24 columns being cast at ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ as of 13 December 2017.

Nalanda Buddhist Society is currently constructing the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ (KSDC) – a new facility offering more places for children and teenagers to attend Dhamma School in Sri Serdang.  The 4,500 sq.ft building will enable 120 students to learn Dhamma in a conducive and comfortable environment.

We would like to appeal for your donation to help us complete this vital and noble project dedicated to holistic education.  The building has 24 pillars and columns which you can donate for; each pillar/column costs approximately RM2,000.

Contribution of any amount is welcome, and can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to :

Maybank account number 5121-4703-9185.

Kindly inform Nalanda office at 03-8938-1500, or e-mail to info@nalanda.org.my after you have transferred your donations.  Thank you for your generous support!