We may not be able to omit use of plastics entirely for now, but we can help by reducing our non-recyclable waste and finding creative ways to repurpose bottles and packaging.
Most of us are privileged to live a life in which our daily requirements such as food, clothing and entertainment are easily accessed. Globally, this trend of consumption is increasing partly driven by the convenience that plastic packaging affords us. Never before have so many products been individually packed for our ease of use; it has become the norm even when we are not on-the-go.
The journal ‘Science’ published a research article which states that 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic is destined for our environment – both land and water – by 2040, unless worldwide action is taken. Less than 10% of all plastics produced are recycled while more than half are discarded after being used for just one time. The cost of producing waste is low to us. It is the environment which pays the price.
The environment is suffering from the growing amounts of waste which we generate.
We can make a difference by starting in our own homes. Take actions which are within our power such as making a habit of bringing our own reusable tupperwares or bags to buy food, finding creative ways to repurpose plastic packaging and ensuring we know the right ways to recycle. Simplicity in living and a little planning to reduce our use of single-use plastics is the best start we can all make. Let’s not wait for others to do what’s right, but let our own actions show the way.
Find out more in the BBC article here : Plastic pollution to weigh 1.3 billion tonnes by 2040.