“Passage through India” Exhibition Launched

“Passage through India” Exhibition Launched

(From left) Bro.Tan, Datin Seri Kee-Mah, Serena Yong, Yang Wei Han, Paul Cher and Jon Teo at launch.

On Friday 1 May, the much-anticipated “Passage through India” special photography exhibition was launched in a joyful atmosphere at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The launching was jointly performed by the Producer of ‘Dhammayatra’ Project Datin Seri Kee-Mah Ming Yuet, and Mdm. Serena Yong representing Hewlett-Packard (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, the generous sponsor of the photograph printing.

‘Dhammayatra’ Project Director Mr. Yang Wei Han thanked everyone for supporting the educational project aimed at creating greater awareness among the Buddhist community of their glorious history, invaluable heritage, and Buddhism’s immense potential to help humanity gain peace and happiness.  Mr. Yang then introduced two of the three photographers present to the appreciative audience.

Ven. Sri Saranankara and Ven. Nyanaramsi were among Sangha members who visited the exhibition.

Photographer Jon Teo sharing his work with a group of visitors on the first day of the exhibition.

The exhibition was originally scheduled for 3 days only from 1st to 3rd May; but in the 3-day run, more than 1,000 visitors have come to see the wonderful photographs of temples, people and scenery.  Due to such enthusiastic response, the exhibition will be extended for the next two weekends – i.e. it is open on the 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th May – from 10.00am to 6.00pm.  Admission is free, and all are welcome.

We cordially invite you to bring along your family and friends to the exhibition at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang during those times, and view the inspiring works of Mr. Paul Cher, Mr. Jon Teo, and Mr. Wong Horng Yih taken during their recent passage through India.

Theravada Council of Malaysia President Bro. Chim signing in for the exhibition at the Reception Room.

Photographer Paul Cher with Mr. Wong Ho (left), President of the Calligraphy Society of Malaysia, who also attended the launching ceremony.