Pay Homage to Buddha Relic

Pay Homage to Buddha Relic

Come with your family and friends to pay homage to the Buddha Relic.

Nalanda Centre welcomes all devotees to pay the highest homage to our Great Teacher the Buddha’s Relic.  Real Buddha Relics are highly esteemed and revered by the faithful, as they are the corporeal remains of the Blessed One.  Many devotees experience a deep sense of joy, and are moved to tears by gratitude, when they think of the life of the Buddha as they worship His Relics.

Please come in appropriate attire – i.e. white tops covering both shoulders, and long pants or skirts, as this is customary when worshipping Buddha Relics.  Devotees may choose to sit near to the Relic in silent meditation, or reflect on the Teachings of the Buddha.

The Buddha Relic will also lead the Buddha Day Heritage Procession on the evening of 19 May, conveyed on a specially made wooden sedan borne by groups of four devotees.  For more information on Buddha Day programmes at Nalanda Centre this weekend, kindly refer to