‘Peace Walk’ in Kuala Lumpur

‘Peace Walk’ in Kuala Lumpur

A simple but joyful procession around NEO Centre in Happy Garden held a week before Buddha Day.

On Sunday 12 May, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch held a ‘Peace Walk’ around Happy Garden to commemorate Buddha Day.  Earlier in the evening, a simple dinner was hosted for the local community with devotees offering food out of generosity.

The evening service started with meditation, offerings and chanting, followed by a Dhamma teaching by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan.  He reminded us as we celebrate the Buddha’s Enlightenment, to also celebrate His Teachings by practising it.  The Dhamma enables one to develop compassion and wisdom, thus bringing happiness and concord to the society.

“The Dhamma uplifts, comforts, and enables us to experience peace, contentment and find meaning in life.” – Bro Tan.

Compassion is a common quality in mothers, who are custodians of family traditions and spirituality.  Those who learn and realise the Dhamma will develop deeper characteristics of loving-kindness and greater compassion to become pillars of peace and harmony in the family.

As the moon rose higher into the night, the ‘Peace Walk’ commenced in earnest with over 300 devotees walking in line calmly and mindfully.  Everyone rejoiced in the harmony and devotion of the procession as the community around the Centre came out to show their support.

Sangha members lighting lamps from the main altar to two lamp-bearers to lead the ‘Peace Walk’.

The community came together to celebrate Buddha Day meaningfully.

We thank all organisers, donors, devotees and volunteers for their support towards this well-organised spiritual event.  Sādhu!