Pindacāra at Seri Kembangan Market

Pindacāra at Seri Kembangan Market

Venerables going on alms-round around the market.

Nalanda organised another Pindacāra programme at the Seri Kembangan morning market on Saturday, 15 February.  It was a joyful occasion witnessing members of the public taking turns to respectfully offer alms-food to venerable monks.

This fortnightly Pindacāra is a platform that allows lay devotees to involve themselves in supporting the Sangha, and to experience positive emotions arising from generosity, respect and loving-kindness.  After the alms-round, the venerables performed chanting and offered blessings to the devotees gathered.

Volunteer offering alms-food to venerable.

We wish to thank the venerables, members of the public, devotees and volunteers for your continuous support and participation.  May this wholesome practice bring you joy, and lead you to progress in the spiritual path.  Sadhu anumodana!

Venerables giving blessings to the volunteers and devotees.