Pindacāra in Kuala Lumpur

Pindacāra in Kuala Lumpur

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Devotees waiting in line to offer cooked food to the venerable monks.

On Saturday 1 August, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with three venerable Sangha members going on alms-round.  The morning Pūja and chanting session at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur was led by Branch Chairman, Bro. Eugene.  Nalandians and volunteers then proceeded to Sri Petaling and subsequently to Happy Garden for the alms-round.

While devotees were waiting in line for the venerable monks to arrive, Nalandians took opportunity to inform the public about the significance of ‘Pindacāra’, the upcoming Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ and introduce the Junior Dhamma Class at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.

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Devotees joyfully offering food to the venerable monk.

After the alms-round, Ven. E. Jeewananda Thero gave a short Dhamma sharing on ‘Pindacāra’ and ‘Giving’.  Sis. Nandini further explained the importance of Dāna and to do the offering with a generous, joyful and non-remorse mind.  This wholesome act will bring joy and happiness to oneself and others.

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The Sangha members taking a rest after the alms-round at Sri Petaling morning market.

We thank the venerable monks from Sentul Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, volunteers and devotees for your support and participation in this meaningful programme.  May the merits accrued   bring happiness to  all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

Note :

We welcome everyone to join us in the next alms-round on Saturday, 5 September 2015 at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets.  Please bring along your family and friends to participate in this wholesome activity.  Thank you with metta.
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Volunteers and devotees chanting with devotion before the Dhamma sharing commence.