Pindacāra in O.U.G. and Happy Garden

Pindacāra in O.U.G. and Happy Garden

Venerable monks on alms-round at Overseas Union Garden (O.U.G.) and Happy Garden morning markets.

Venerable monks on alms-round at Overseas Union Garden (O.U.G.) and Happy Garden morning markets.

On Saturday 2 April, two venerable monks went on Pindacāra (alms-round) at Overseas Union Garden (O.U.G.) and Happy Garden morning markets.  It was the first time in many months that the Pindacāra programme was held at O.U.G. and the response there was very heartening.

A group of Nalanda volunteers mingled with the passers-by to share the meaning and significance of Pindacāra with them, while others followed the monks to assist them.

Devotee respectfully bowing to the monks after offering Dāna.

Devotee respectfully bowing to the monks after offering Dāna.

After the alms-round, the venerable monks and Nalandian volunteers returned to NEO Centre in Happy Garden, where one of the venerables gave a short Dhamma talk on the laity’s role in supporting the Sangha.  He said both the monks and devotees shared the same aim, which is to walk the Path of Liberation.

Explaining the significance of 'Pindacāra' to a market-goer.

Explaining the significance of ‘Pindacāra’ to a market-goer.

We thank the venerable monks, volunteers and devotees for their support and participation in this wholesome educational programme.  May the merits accrued bring happiness to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana.

Getting acquainted with devotees waiting to offer Dāna to the monks.

Getting acquainted with devotees waiting to offer Dāna to the monks.

A venerable monk giving a short Dhamma talk after the alms-round at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.

A venerable monk giving a short Dhamma talk after the alms-round at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.

Devotees offering food during lunch Dāna.

Devotees offering food during lunch Dāna.