Pindacāra in Seri Kembangan Market

Pindacāra in Seri Kembangan Market

To mark the auspicious start of the Gimhana Period (8 June – 22 July), Nalandian devotees led by Bro. Vincent Lee organized a Pindacāra this morning at the Jalan Besar market in Seri Kembangan.  Three venerable monks accepted our invitation to go on alms-round, providing a welcoming sight and bringing much joy to the early market-goers.  As Nalanda has been organizing Pindacāra quite frequently at the place, the crowd there is generally accustomed to giving, and gladly came forward with their alms-offerings.

This Pindacāra programme is aimed at educating the public, especially the Buddhist community at large, to provide support to the Sangha in the correct manner.  We also aim to familiarize people to the sight of genuine bhikkhus, so that they can tell which ones are true.  Today’s specialty is a blessing service conducted by the venerables at the car-park at the edge of the market.  Many elderly people and families with young children took the opportunity to receive blessings from the Sangha.  This innovative addition to our Pindacāra programme was very well-received and commended by the public, with many asking for the next Pindacāra date, which by the way is next Saturday, 15 June, at the same market area.

It seems that Nalanda’s outreach programme is seeing much progress, gaining stronger public support with every passing month.  We wish to record many thanks to all our Pindacāra team leaders, coordinators and volunteers for their tireless efforts in reaching out to the public, for the benefit and welfare of the many.  Sadhu anumodana!

Venerable monks give their blessings to the public after the alms-round.