‘Pindacāra’ in Sri Petaling and Happy Garden

‘Pindacāra’ in Sri Petaling and Happy Garden

Devotees at Sri Petaling offered the venerables alms food with much respect and devotion.

Report by Ng Tung Yan

On Saturday 1 November, Nalanda’s monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme was again held at the Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets.  Volunteers and devotees gathered at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre Kuala Lumpur as early as 7.00am to start the day with pūja and chanting before proceeding to the nearby Sri Petaling market at 8.30am.

Bro. Choong Li engaging alms-givers at Sri Petaling.

The ‘Pindacāra’ was carried out successfully with volunteers guiding members of the public on the correct way of offering alms, and through the distribution of information flyers.  Curious onlookers were engaged by our friendly ‘People Engagement’ team.  A number of market-goers also expressed their interest in knowing more about Nalanda and our activities.

Bro. Rudy washing the feet of the venerables after the ‘Pindacāra’ at Sri Petaling market.

We would like to thank all devotees and volunteers for participating in this programme.  May the merits gained be shared with all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

Lunch dāna was offered to the venerables at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.