‘Pindacāra’ this full-moon Saturday

‘Pindacāra’ this full-moon Saturday

Bring along your family members and friends to participate in this wholesome act.  Sadhu!

We joyfully invite everyone to participate in our next educational ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) at Taman O.U.G. and Happy Garden markets this Saturday, 2 December, which happens to be a full-moon day.  You may bring cooked vegetarian food or ripe fruits as offerings to Sangha members.

Please spread the news and bring along your family members and friends to participate in this wholesome act.  If you would like to volunteer your services for the occasion, kindly contact Bro. Ng at 012-273-9787.  Thank you.


Giving which is fruitful

“Prior to giving one is joyful; while giving one settles the mind in trust;

after giving one is elated:

this is success in the act of offering.


“When they are devoid of lust and hatred,

devoid of delusion, without taints,

self-controlled, living the spiritual life,

the field for the offering is complete.”


– Excerpt from ‘Chaḷaṅgadāna Sutta’, Anguttara Nikaya 6.37