Bro. Tan gave an uplifting talk on “Being Positive” – one of the factors for achieving mental well-being.
On Wednesday 25 June, devotees thronged Nalanda Centre to participate in the fifth meditation session of the on-going ‘Gimhāna Retreat’. Those who are new to meditation were guided by Bro. Tan in a separate class, while seasoned meditators sat in the Shrine Hall. After the group sitting, Bro. Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma teaching on “Being Positive” – one of the factors for achieving mental well-being.
Bro. Tan shared that ‘positivity’ is an important factor to be cultivated and gradually developed. If our minds were positive, our speech and behaviour will naturally follow suit; we then experience “happiness”. A positive mind is also resilient when faced with challenges in life, and can help us endure unpleasant situations.
Some of the ways for developing ‘positiveness’, as taught by Bro. Tan, are to associate with positive people, listening to uplifting sharing and teaching, calming ourselves through meditation which will bring clarity to thoughts, and replacing negative habits with wholesome ones.
The crowd at Level 1 Shrine Hall spilled over to the lobby area as more devotees are eager to learn and practise Dhamma.
It was another well-attended Gimhāna meditation session as the Shrine Hall was filled with devotees eager to learn and practice. Inspired by the practical, beneficial and down-to-earth teachings, devotees aspire to cultivate and develop ‘positiveness’ in order to achieve mental well-being. As Bro. Tan says, “The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our minds!” Let us be positively wholesome.