Practising Compassion towards Oneself

Practising Compassion towards Oneself

Having 'self-compassion' means being kind, patient, and caring for one’s own well-being.

On Sunday 12 October, Clinical Psychologist Ms. Low Mi Yen gave an interesting talk at Nalanda Centre with the title, “Watering Our Own Garden”, which was about practising compassion towards ourselves.  We can care and love others, but it is important that we do not neglect and lose ourselves in the process.

Having compassion towards oneself means being kind, patient, caring for one’s own well-being, and accepting towards weaknesses and shortcomings.  On the other hand, indulging in self-pity and self-centredness is far from being compassionate.  Practising compassion also enhances self-esteem, emotional resilience, and mental well-being.  The weekly Service Sunday concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

The speaker invited devotees to share their thoughts on the subject of 'self-compassion', and what it means to them personally.