On 21 September, Dato’ Seri Dr. Victor Wee gave a Dhamma talk during Service Sunday on ‘Mettā’ (Loving kindness) at Nalanda Centre. Dr. Victor Wee spoke about ways to develop loving-kindness in daily life. The essence of ‘Mettā’ is universal friendliness; it is developing kindness towards all beings without discriminating between the liked and disliked. Anger on the other hand, is a destructive emotion and the opposite of ‘Mettā’.
One of the ways to cultivate ‘Mettā’ is to have forgiveness, as it releases the burden of guilt and remorse from the mind. Practising loving acceptance of other people and different situations is yet another helpful way. Even by observing the Five Precepts, we can learn to guard our thoughts, speech and actions.
Founder Bro. Tan joined the congregation after the talk to thank Dr. Victor Wee for his sharing, and also to update everyone on the progress of Nalanda Centre 'Building Expansion Project'.
The practice of loving kindness begins with oneself. Therefore, let us speak with love, act with kindness, and greet everyone we meet with the wholesome thought – “May you be well and happy”. The weekly Service concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings. Sadhu anumodana!