Pre-New Year joy for NS trainees

Pre-New Year joy for NS trainees

Trainees having group discussions, facilitated by Nalanda Youth members.

National Service trainees who attended Service at Nalanda Centre yesterday (26 January) were feted to a pre-New Year joyful celebration with meaningful activities and sharings.  After pūja and meditation, Sis. Qi Hua shared about “Right Action, Effort, and Speech”.  That was followed by group discussions and refreshments.

Two prancing lions (performed by Nalanda Dharma School students) surprised everyone when they made a spirited entrance and executed quite a few stunts, much to the delight of everyone at Nalanda Centre!  It was a great gathering for everyone before the long Chinese New Year break.  We wish all the NS trainees a “Happy New Year” and safe journeying back to their hometowns.  See you next month!

A spirited Lion dance performed by Nalanda Dharma School students to everyone’s delight!