Prioritising Dhamma practice

Prioritising Dhamma practice

Sis. Sunanda reminding us to put the Dhamma first on our list of priorities.

Sis. Sunanda reminding us to put the Dhamma high on our list of priorities.

On Sunday 3 April, Sis. Sunanda gave a sharing on the ‘Dhammapada’ for our daily reflection.  She quoted the popular twin verses: “In the unessential they imagine the essential, in the essential they see the unessential  ̶  they who entertain (such) wrong thoughts never realise the essence.”

“What is essential they regard as essential, what is unessential they regard as unessential  ̶  they who develop (such) right thoughts realise the essence.”

~ Dhammapada : Twin Verses, 11 & 12

Sis. Sunanda reminded us that in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we must never forget to put the Dhamma high on our list of priorities.  In this manner, we will always live in accordance with the Dhamma and see the world through the lens of Dhamma.  We thank Sis. Sunanda for her insightful talk.  Sadhu anumodana.