Reducing the effects of past kamma

Reducing the effects of past kamma

Ayasma Aggacitta at Nalanda.

Āyasmā Aggacitta facilitated the one-day Sutta Study and Meditation Workshop at Nalanda Centre.

On Saturday 11 June, Nalanda Centre hosted a one-day sutta study and meditation workshop facilitated by Āyasmā Aggacitta, with the subject “How to diminish the effects of past kamma”.  Āyasmā Aggacitta shared on what the Pāli suttas actually said about the matter.  The aim of the workshop was to help participants practise effectively to end suffering.

The workshop, which was attended by 100 participants, basically focused on three segments: (1) An excerpt from the Pathamasañcetanika Sutta (AN 10.217) to show the basic principle of kamma and the experiencing of its result; (2) The root sutta – Lonakapalla Sutta – which describes how the effects of bad past kamma are diminished; and (3) Cross-references with excerpts from several canonical sources where the terms “developed in body” and “developed in mind” were used.  Āyasmā Aggacitta pointed out that these two important terms were also found in the root sutta, but not explained in detail.

Group discussions after each segment.

After each segment, participants engage in group discussions and presentation.

For this reason, he felt that it was crucial to investigate their occurrence and usage in other canonical sources to get a clearer idea of what they mean.  Only then can the reliability of the explanations found in the commentaries be evaluated against what the canon said.  Āyasmā Aggacitta said this was one of the primary purposes of the sutta study workshop.

The workshop attracted and benefited a large number of participants.

The workshop attracted and benefited a large number of participants.

Each section included a short meditation break, group discussion and presentation, as well as the facilitator’s summary and conclusion.  We thank Āyasmā Aggacitta for conducting such an interesting workshop and for helping to strengthen our understanding of Dhamma practice.

Ayasma Aggacitta teaching about 'kamma'.

Āyasmā Aggacitta took an excerpt from the ‘Paṭhamasañcetanika Sutta’ to show the basic principle of kamma and the experiencing of its results.