Register for BPS 104 – Buddhist Course in Mandarin

Register for BPS 104 – Buddhist Course in Mandarin

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering BPS 104, a basic Buddhist Studies course in Mandarin which introduces Dhamma learning in a structured and systematic way.  The course consists of seven classes and will be held at new Nalanda Education and Outreach Centre, Happy Garden on Saturdays from 2.30pm to 5.30pm, from 25 February 2023.  There will also be a 2-day 1-night experiential programme in May.

Enrolment is now OPEN until 12 February here.  We warmly invite friends who are 18 years and above, and proficient in Mandarin to register.  There will also be a briefing session held on 4 February at 2pm, for those who have registered or would like to find out more about this course.  For enquiries, you may contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1501.  All are welcome.

Nalanda 佛学院将于 2023 年 2 月至 4 月份,在刚启用的 Nalanda 吉隆坡教育中心开办 “初级中文佛学” 课程。这项课程共有 7 堂课,上课时间为周六下午 2.30pm 至 5.30pm。 此课程也包括 2 天 1 夜的体验营。

这初级佛学课程主要是要接引大众,带领大家认识三宝及其心灵教育。也希望藉此提升佛教徒的信仰层次,学习如何在日常生活中实践佛法。凡 18 岁以上通晓中文及有心修习佛学者,请于 2 月 12 日前上网报名, 。 无任何收费。

主办单位将在 2 月 4 日下午 2 点举行课程说明会,欢迎已报名或对此课程有兴趣者出出席说明会,以解开疑问以及深入了解课程讯息。

上课地点为 Nalanda 吉隆坡教育中心 : 524, Jalan Riang 12, Taman Gembira, 58200 Kuala Lumpur. 欲知更多详情,请联络 Nalanda 办事处,电话 03-8938-1501。谢谢。