Register for ‘Family Dhamma School’

Register for ‘Family Dhamma School’

Learning Dhamma as a family enables parents to connect better with our children and also grow together in wholesome values.  Hence, we invite you to join Nalanda’s inaugural programme ‘Family Dhamma School’, a learning platform for the entire family to grow spiritually and achieve domestic bliss.

Registration is now open for families with children of ages 7-12 years.  Classes start in March 2023 and will be held on Sundays from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm, at NEO Centre Happy Garden. The medium of instruction will be English and Mandarin.  Click to register and do share this opportunity with your family and friends.

For more enquiries, please feel free to contact Sis. Hui Shien (012-954 8649) or Sis. Sadhika (012-943 9266).