Rejoicing at Nalanda tonight

Rejoicing at Nalanda tonight

The Indian youths and Nalandians at Nalanda Centre for the week-long training programme.

After days of intensive Dhamma-learning sessions, leadership workshops, discussions and meditation, the inaugural batch of two bhikkhus and 17 Buddhist Youth leaders from India will be ending their training programme in Malaysia tomorrow morning.

Their 10-day visit to Malaysia is part of the “Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme”, launched in Mumbai on 26 January 2018.  It is Nalanda Buddhist Society’s long-term mission to help revitalise the proper learning and practice of Buddhism in India – its land of origin.

Tonight, the Indian and Malaysian youths will be rejoicing in a joyous closing ceremony at Nalanda Centre, starting 8.30pm.  We warmly welcome all devotees to participate in this celebration of spiritual friendship and Dhamma-propagation effort.  May the Buddha-Sasana long endure!