Rejoicing with remarkable youths

Rejoicing with remarkable youths

Nalanda Youth Centre held another successful and impactful Dhamma Living Camp for Young Adults from 8 to 11 September.  The camp was instrumental in laying the foundation and strengthening the resolve for 130 youths to walk the Noble Path of Dhamma.

Nalanda founder, Bro. Tan led them on an amazing 4-day journey to comprehend ‘Dukkha’, its causes, and the ways to overcome them.  With this understanding, the youths can continue to build resilience and steadfastness of the mind in facing life’s challenges.  Our deepest gratitude to Bro. Tan for his inspiring and life-changing teachings, which were catalysts for the personal transformation of many students, past and present.

Bro.Tan giving another uplifting and pivotal lesson at the camp.

The joy of Dhamma learning was evident in the copious smiles and hearty laughter of camp participants.  Let us reminisce and rejoice with the spirit of these remarkable youths in this short video clip.  Jai’ho!