Remembering our teacher – Ven. K. Anuruddha

Remembering our teacher – Ven. K. Anuruddha

Today marks the second anniversary of Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha’s passing.  The late Venerable Anuruddha was Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan’s Dhamma and Pāli Language teacher.  Although a foremost and distinguished scholar in Pāli language and literature, and having been the first Vice-Chancellor of the Buddhist & Pāli University of Sri Lanka, the late Professor Anuruddha lived most of his life in seclusion.  His funeral was a very simple affair in accordance to his last wish, much in character with this humble bhikkhu.

NalandaTV pays tribute to Venerable Anuruddha who dedicated his whole life to Buddhist education and Dhamma propagation, inspiring thousands of students along the journey with his wisdom and compassion.  We express our humble gratitude for all that he had done for the Buddha-Sāsana. Thank you, Bhante.