Bro. Benny Liow sharing his unforgettable memoirs of the late Ven. Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.
On Sunday 23 August, Bro. Benny Liow shared his unforgettable memoirs of the late Ven. Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero. He remembers with gratitude the late venerable as a spiritual father to him.
Bro. Benny has learnt much from the late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda about humility, kindness and openness. He related experiences how the late venerable wisely practised these values when faced with challenges in life.
Bro. Benny relating experiences how the late venerable wisely practised values of humility, kindness and openness when faced with challenges in life.
The book – “What Buddhists Believe” written by the late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda, motivated Bro. Benny to start a Buddhist Society at St. Xavier Institute, Penang during his school days. The inspiration from the late venerable also spurs him to start the Eastern Horizon publications. Bro. Benny reiterated the emphasis by the late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda that our faith can be strengthened by ‘Pariyatti’ (Study), ‘Patipatti’ (Practice), and ‘Pativedha’ (Realisation) in our quest for truth in life.
Bro. Benny reiterated the emphasis by the late venerable that ‘Pariyatti’, ‘Patipatti’, and ‘Pativedha’ can strengthen our faith.
We thank Bro. Benny for a meaningful and interesting Dhamma sharing. The weekly session concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings. Sadhu!