Retreat for Friends of Wisdom Park

Retreat for Friends of Wisdom Park

We always thank our good friends from Singapore for their friendship and kind support!

From 25 to 27 October, 23 Friends of Wisdom Park (FoWP) Singapore Chapter retreated to Wisdom Park for Dhamma learning and practice.  Nalanda founder Bro. Tan delivered daily Dhamma teachings, encouraging everyone to temporarily disconnect from city life and tune in to nature.  With the welcomed respite from hectic activities, the group strengthened their mindfulness and reflection.

Bro. Tan also taught the importance of working well together to serve Buddha-Sāsana, which became the subject of active discussions and reflections.  We thank FoWP for joining us at Wisdom Park to experience for themselves the great potential of this educational campus to train future generations of Buddhists.

The morning and evening chantings are daily anchors of the retreat.

Happiness can be experienced with simple activities, such as planting trees and shrubs.

Participants giving thanks to those who have prepared and served the meals.

Enjoying a mindful walk within the peaceful and tranquil environment of Wisdom Park.

Bro. Tan reminded us that time waits for no one. Time wasted can never be gotten back.

Sis. Louise thanking Bro. Tan for his teachings and guidance during the joyful three-day retreat.