Reunion Day for 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School teachers

Reunion Day for 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School teachers

Thank you to everyone for your active participation and support.

Last Saturday 8 June, over 35 Dhamma School and Free School teachers, as well as programme leads came together for a day of learning at Wisdom Park.  In this first Reunion Day after the National Camp in March, teachers were very happy to be reunited to once again leverage and learn from each other.

A fitting start to the day was the sharing by Camp Master Sis. Lau Wei Nee of various teachers’ training programmes initiated by the National Camp participants in their respective schools in the past 2 months. With much rejoice, the group then delved into heightening their skills in facilitation and communication.

Morning chanting as a congregation.

Sis. Nandini Tan welcomed participants and volunteers for a day of learning and service.

Bro. Ooi Boon Keat delivered an interactive session on facilitation.

Participants role-play on how they can apply skilful communication.

Sis. Lau Wei Nee sharing the training programmes which Camp participants started to run after attending the Camp in March.

Ice breaking activity.

We extend our thanks to the organisers, participants and volunteers for their commitment and active participation in this Reunion Day.  May your missionary spirit in enabling many more people to learn and practice Dhamma continue to strengthen!  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Boon Keat shared various methods which facilitators can use in different situations.

Teachers also role-played to test facilitation skills.

Sis. Paruadi and Sis. Foo Ai Li conducted the session on Skillful Communication.

Experiential learning on how communication can be a challenge.

Friends sharing their pictures drawn during the activity.

Chanting verses of blessings before the meal.

For more photos, please click here