Ven. Prof. W. Wimalaratana visits Nalanda

Ven. Prof. W. Wimalaratana visits Nalanda

A group photograph at the Shrine Hall, Level 1.

On Tuesday 18 August, Venerable Prof. Dr. W. Wimalaratana from the University of Colombo and his entourage – Venerables Alubomulle Dhammalankara Thero, Marthuwela Vijithasiri, Kolonnawe Siri Sudassi Thero, Dhammasiri and Lecturer Dr. D.A.C. Suranga Silva, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarization visit.  The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandians including host Sis. Nandini Tan, who brought them on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.


Sis. Nandini Tan bringing the visitors on a building tour of Nalanda Centre.

Ven. Dr.Wimalaratana and the Sangha members were impressed by the aesthetic design and peaceful ambiance of Nalanda Centre.  The venerables later met with Founder Bro. Tan, where they exchanged views on the development of Buddhism in both Malaysia and Sri Lanka, as well as on matters of mutual cooperation in education.


Visitors at the “Wall of Inspiration” of the Youth Centre.

We thank the venerables for their kind visit and wish them the best of health.  Sadhu anumodana.


Bro. Tan introducing the President, Sis. Evelyn to the Sangha members.