“Samatha & Vipassanā” – Sutta Study & Meditation

“Samatha & Vipassanā” – Sutta Study & Meditation

Dates   :   1 & 2 March 2014
Time    :   9.00am – 6.00pm
Venue  :   Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is honoured to invite Āyasmā Aggacitta Māhathera in March for a Sutta Study Course cum Meditation Workshop on “Samatha & Vipassanā”.

This Course aims to clarify the differences in the approach and techniques of ‘Samatha’ and ‘Vipassanā’ meditation.  It will be conducted by the very experienced and suitably qualified Āyasmā Aggacitta, based on references to various Pāli Scriptures.

Enrollment for the programme is now open until 16 February 2014, or until full.  Kindly apply online at :https://www.nalanda.org.my/institute/course-registration/
We will be e-mailing applicants a simple questionnaire for you to answer.  The organizers will notify applicants on your enrollment status after the closing date.

The number of places for this FREE workshop is limited to 100 participants; thus we urge all interested devotees to apply early.  For further information, please call Sis. Ruby at 03-8938 1500 / 1501, or email to institute@nalanda.org.my .