Bro. Lee Kong Foo (left) and Bro. Eugene Yong (right) ready to offer robes and requisites to the Sangha.
On Sunday 23 November, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch held its ‘Sangha Day’ in Happy Garden, Kuala Lumpur. The programme began with meditation, pūja and chanting, followed by a Dhamma talk by Bro. Ānanda Fong who shared on the significance of offering to the Sangha.
The ceremony started with Nalanda President, Bro. Lee Kong Foo and Chairman of Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch, Bro. Eugene Yong presenting robes and requisites to the Sangha members, followed by devotees who participated with faith and devotion.
After the ceremony, the venerables were invited to give ‘ovada’ (words of advice) before performing blessings and dedication of merits. Devotees had the opportunity to offer ‘Sanghika Dāna’ to the venerables before the programme ended with lunch for everyone.
It was indeed a joyful occasion and we would like to thank all devotees and volunteers for your contributions and participation in this wholesome observance. Sadhu anumodana!