‘Sangha Day’ observed at KL Branch

‘Sangha Day’ observed at KL Branch

Offering the first two robes.

Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn and Nalanda KL Branch Chairman Bro. Ng offering the first two robes.

On Sunday 27 November, members and devotees gathered at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur to observe a meaningful ‘Sangha Day’ to express gratitude and reverence to the monastic community for their tireless efforts in the preservation and propagation of the Buddha-Dhamma.

Leading the congregation in chanting.

Bro. Ng (front right) and Bro. Choong Li (front left) leading the congregation in chanting.

After meditation, offerings and chanting, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama was invited to deliver a Dhamma talk for the occasion.  Achariya spoke about the community of monks and nuns – the Sangha – and explained their pivotal role in passing down the teachings of the Buddha.  Without their efforts, we would have lost this jewel of Dhamma; thus should we feel eternally grateful for this great contribution.

Achariya Vijaya delivering a talk on the role of Sangha.

Achariya Vijaya delivering a talk on the role of Sangha in preserving the Buddha-Word.

Following the Dhamma teaching was the highlight of the day where devotees offered robes and requisites to the two venerables specially invited from Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul.  After the ceremony, the venerables gave ‘ovada’ (words of advice) before performing blessings and dedication of merits.  Devotees also had the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to the monks on the joyful occasion.

A family paying respects and offering robes to the Sangha.

A family paying respects and offering robes to the Sangha.

Devotees offering food to the venerable monks during lunch dāna.

Devotees offering food to the venerable monks during lunch dāna.

We thank the venerable monks for their kind presence, and all devotees as well as volunteers for their generous spirit and active participation.  May all beings share and rejoice in the bountiful merits gained from these wholesome deeds.

The customary transference of merits performed after every wholesome act.

The customary transference of merits performed after every wholesome act. Sadhu!