Second National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers

Second National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers

Nalanda Buddhist Society and Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) are organising the second National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers with the theme ‘Education of the Heart’.  This 4-day 3-night camp is a platform for Dhamma School teachers to learn and discuss ways to enhance approaches in sharing the Buddha’s teachings in a systematic and engaging manner to the younger generation.

The Camp’s highlights include inspiring talks and useful guidance for educators. It is interspersed with tranquil meditation sessions and joyful fellowship activities amidst the calm and serene environment of Wisdom Park.  The medium of communication is English.

We invite Dhamma School teachers to join us for this programme.  Registration is via respective Buddhist organisations which are members of TBCM  and is open until Sunday 18 February, or until all places are taken up.  Let us work together for the benefit of our students and the prolongation of the Buddha-Sāsana.  Sadhu!