Secondary school students visit Nalanda

Secondary school students visit Nalanda

Students and teachers from Malacca and Subang Jaya enjoying their visit to Nalanda Centre.

Students and teachers from Malacca and Subang Jaya enjoying their visit to Nalanda Centre.

On Saturday 4 February, Nalandians were delighted to host a study tour by 80 students from SMK Gajah Berang, Malacca, and 40 students from SMK USJ 13, Selangor.  The young visitors and their teachers were warmly received in the morning, and they proceeded on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

A warm welcoming performance by Nalandian youths and Dhamma School students.

A warm welcoming performance by Nalandian youths and Dhamma School students.

Student Captain Ng Jun Yin leading a building tour.

Student Captain Ng Jun Yin leading the Malaccan students on a building tour.

The traditional Nalandian communal meal.

Everyone enjoying the new experience of a traditional Nalandian communal meal.

The students then listened to a Dhamma sharing by Bro. Aggaphala Yap on ‘Happiness’.  The sharing was very simple and useful, allowing the students to have a better understanding of the Buddhist way to a happy life.  After receiving food for the mind, the students had the opportunity to experience a traditional, Nalandian communal lunch.

Bro. Aggaphala Yap speaking on ‘Happiness’.

Bro. Aggaphala Yap giving a sharing on ‘Happiness’.

Listening to the amusing talk by Bro. Aggaphala.

Listening to the amusing talk by Bro. Aggaphala.

Simple language and concepts made the Dhamma easy to absorb and digest.

Simple language and concepts made the Dhamma easy to absorb and digest.

We would like to thank both schools for organising this visit to Nalanda Centre.  Our appreciation also to the teachers for having great concern for the spiritual well-being of their students.  Sadhu!

The visitors were happy and appreciative for the unique experience.

At the end of the tour, the students were happy and appreciative for the unique experience at Nalanda.

Paying respects at the Shrine Hall.

Paying respects at the Shrine Hall and taking leave after their visit.

Teachers and students from SMK USJ 13.

Teachers and students from SMK USJ 13, Subang Jaya, taking leave from Nalanda Centre.