Selangor state Wesak celebration

Selangor state Wesak celebration

Buddhist community leaders in Selangor at the launching of 'fly the Buddhist Flag campaign'.

Buddhist community leaders in Selangor launching the ‘flying Buddhist Flag campaign’ on 22 April.

This year, Selangor will again host a state-level Wesak celebration at the Section 14 Theatre, Shah Alam, on Saturday, 20 May.  The celebration is organised by the State government and supported by Selangor Buddhist Development Council.  It will showcase traditional and contemporary Buddhist cultural performances from Malaysia and neighbouring countries.

On 22 April, Buddhist community leaders in Selangor from the Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana sects gathered in unison to launch a public campaign to fly the ‘Buddhist Flag’ throughout the month of Wesak.  The close cooperation and unity of mainstream Buddhist organisations was evident at the event held at Subang Jaya Buddhist Association.  Sadhu!

Ever wondered what the iconic ‘Buddhist Flag’ symbolises?  Find out by clicking: International Buddhist Flag