Semester 2 of Mandarin Buddhist Studies in JB

Semester 2 of Mandarin Buddhist Studies in JB

Sis. Nandinī Tan sharing the topic of ‘Ten Wholesome and Unwholesome Deeds’.

Report by Rose Cho and Muditā Chan

On 27 and 28 September, Semester 2 of the Mandarin Buddhist Studies Course offered by Nalanda Institute continued at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, after the first semester ended in mid-July.  Participants were enthusiastic and eager to learn as Sis. Nandinī Tan covered the topic of ‘Ten Wholesome and Unwholesome Deeds’.

Sis. Nandinī pointed out the importance of daily reflections with regards to our thoughts, speech and conduct; to check whether the three evil roots – greed, hatred and delusion – are increasing or decreasing.  On top of learning, cultivation is required in order for us to transform.  Participants were inspired to put into practice what they learned over the weekend and make efforts to cultivate and transform.  Sadhu anumodana!