We wish Ven. Alokavamsa and his entourage a safe journey back to Indonesia.
On Thursday 15 June, devotees sent off Ven. Alokavamsa and his entourage after a 3-week stay at Nalanda Centre. We thank Venerable for the bountiful opportunities to make meal-offerings, serve Sangha members, and have candid Dhamma discussions.
We wish Venerable Alokavamsa, Sayalay Mitta Devi, Pak James, Pak Nyoman and Bro. Dwayne a safe journey back to Indonesia. May they enjoy the best of health, continued spiritual progress, and success in their Dhamma work.
Devotees gathered in the mornings to prepare food with care and make offerings to Ven. Alokavamsa and Sayalay Mitta Devi.
With respect, devotees make offerings in support of the Sangha.
Devotees seeking forgiveness from Venerable for any wrong-doings that may have been done, intentionally or unintentionally.