Service Sunday & New Year’s Sanghika Dāna

Service Sunday & New Year’s Sanghika Dāna

Devotees offering lunch dāna to venerables mindfully.

On Sunday 4 January, we were honoured to have Venerable Chang Zao and Venerable Ayya Santinī for Dhamma talk and ‘ovada’ (advice) respectively on our first Service Sunday for the New Year.

Venerable Chang Zao mentioned that calmness is not practiced in seclusion but in our daily life as well.  We are able to maintain balance mentally and physically by being in the present moment, cultivating appreciation and joy.  Letting go of the past and living every moment as a new beginning will result in happiness.

Venerable Chang Zao advised us to let go of our past and live every moment as a new beginning.

Ayya Santinī advised us to learn the Dhamma diligently so that we can handle our inner conflicts with wisdom and the gained knowledge.  When faced with challenges in our lives, we may choose to handle it positively or negatively.  As Ayya quoted, “Your Choice Is Your Life”.

A quote from Venerable Ayya Santinī, “Your Choice is Your Life”.

We also have the opportunity to invite Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan to give a New Year message. Bro. Tan urged us to live purposefully by learning, practicing, and realising the Dhamma.  He advised us to embark on this journey of learning and discovery joyfully, conscientiously and mindfully.  Bro. Tan wished us to have a fruitful, meaningful and beneficial year.

Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan advised us to embark on this journey of learning and discovering the Dhamma joyfully, conscientiously and mindfully.

We were grateful for all the teachings to start the New Year with.  The weekly Service Sunday concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings.  Venerables Chang Zao and Ayya Santinī were invited for lunch dāna at the newly completed reception hall and later, lunch were served to devotees at Sirivijaya Hall. Sadhu anumodana!

Transference of merits to our departed relatives and friends after performing wholesome deeds.