Service Sunday with Bro. Ānanda Fong

Service Sunday with Bro. Ānanda Fong

Bro. Ānanda explaining the sublime qualities of the Dhamma with simplicity.

On Sunday 11 January, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for Service Sunday and were delighted after listening to a Dhamma talk by Bro. Ānanda Fong with the topic “Taking Refuge and The Three Jewels”.

Bro. Ānanda gave a detailed story on the life of the Buddha; and explained the sublime qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha with simplicity.  Devotees were encouraged to recollect often on the qualities of the Three Jewels and be inspired to put in effort for daily practice.

Devotees calming their minds through meditation.

We thanked Bro. Ānanda for his wonderful sharing and the Service concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

Bro. LeiKen leading the Pūja (offerings to the Three Jewels) with mindfulness.