Service Sunday for Youths

Service Sunday for Youths

The ‘Dhamma-Chat’ with Sis Sunanda was a lively and inspiring session for everyone.

On Sunday 5 July, Nalandian youths ‘spiced’ their weekly Youth Service Sunday with an ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ session.  After the challenging and intensive sport, the youths contributed their services by patching up uneven spots in the field for the convenience of other users.

'Ultimate Frisbee' is a harmless non-contact sport.

The ‘Dhamma-Chat’ session with Youth mentor, Sis. Sunanda was inspiring for the youths as they cleared their doubts on meditation and practice.  We rejoice over the team spirit of the Nalandian youths in learning and practicing Dhamma.  Sadhu anumodana!

The youths patching up uneven spots in the field for the convenience of others.