Service Sunday with Ven. Sumangalā

Service Sunday with Ven. Sumangalā

Devotees listening attentively to the Dhamma talk by Ven. Sumangalā.

Devotees listening attentively to the Dhamma talk by Ven. Sumangalā.

On the first Sunday of the New Year, Venerable Bhikkhuni Sumangalā gave a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre where she spoke on “Buddhism and Happiness”.  Ven. Sumangalā said if we wanted to achieve a high level of happiness, then we should follow the Buddha’s teaching and walk the ‘Middle Path’.

Ven. Sumangala reminded us that we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn Dhamma, and thus should not waste it by indulging in unessential pursuits.  She then quoted Dhammapada verse 183 – “Not to commit anything unwholesome; to cultivate goodness; to purify one’s own mind – this is the teaching of all Buddhas”.

Devotees offering lunch dana to Ven. Sumangalā with joy.

Devotees offering lunch dana to Ven. Sumangalā with joy.

Customarily, the first lunch dāna of the year at Nalanda Centre is always offered to the bhikkhunis.  This tradition has been observed since the Centre’s first new year observance in 2004 as a mark of esteem for the contributions of the female monastic community.

We thank Ven. Sumangalā for the Dhamma talk and for accepting our invitation to lunch dāna. We wish her all the best in the year ahead.  Sadhu anumodana!