‘Silver Lining Day’ at Siddharthan Care Centre

‘Silver Lining Day’ at Siddharthan Care Centre

Report by Chan Jia Xin.
Nalandian youths had a great time with the children at Siddharthan Care Centre.

Nalandian youths had a great time with the children at Siddharthan Care Centre.

Silver Lining’ is a programme initiated by Nalanda Youth Centre in 2015 to promote acts of kindness towards others among Malaysian youths.  A ‘Silver Lining Day’ is organised once every three months where youths dedicate one Sunday to serving the community.

On 9 October, Nalandian youths visited the Siddharthan Care Centre in Petaling Jaya, a privately-run charitable home for 35 orphans and disabled children ranging from 2 to 18 years old.  The youths introduced themselves to the children, and became fast friends through games and warm interactions.

Everyone bonding well in smaller groups of youths and children.

Everyone bonding well in smaller groups of youths and children.

Yi Kang gave a talk about the importance of being mindful and attentive.

Bro. Yi Kang gave a talk about the importance of being mindful and attentive

Nalandian youth Bro. Choo Yi Kang gave a talk about the importance of being mindful and attentive so that we can perform our tasks well.  He also spoke about the importance of having gratitude and respecting others in life, as everyone would like to be respected the same way.

Enjoying games with the children.

Enjoying games with the children to spur their curiosity and interest in learning.


The youths headed back to Nalanda Centre after their visit where they had a reflection and sharing session. They were happy to spend time with the children and felt inspired by the positive spirit of the kids despite their backgrounds and circumstances.  Nalandian youths were able to bond well with the children because we did not treat them as orphans, but as our brothers and sisters.

The youths with caregiver Mr. Manimaran and the children of Siddharthan Care Centre.

The youths with caregiver Mr. Manimaran (middle, in blue t-shirt) and the children of Siddharthan Care Centre.