Spirited retreat for Nalanda leaders

Spirited retreat for Nalanda leaders

Growing our hearts to connect with our teams, volunteers and the community enables us to do more to serve the Buddha-Sāsana.

From 9 – 11 July, 40 Nalanda leaders from Serdang and branches gathered at Wisdom Park for a 3-day Leaders’ Retreat to discuss pertinent issues & challenges in carrying out the Society’s mission.  Leaders also explored ways to enhance leadership skills such as resolving conflict in interactive workshops.

All participants were recharged by the progressive discussions, and energised to lead their respective teams in the missionary purpose of holistic education and growing the Dhamma community.  Thank you to Dhamma speakers, organisers & volunteers for inspiring our leaders. Sādhu anumodāna.

Leaders opened their hearts to each other through engaging fellowship activities.

Leaders also brainstormed ideas to engage and grow the community.

Bro. Boon Keat introduced the HEART model to overcome challenges and conflicts in leadership.

Participants shared how they applied the HEART model in managing conflict.

Bro. Tan Siang Chye shared the importance of Buddhist leaders in inspiring the community to learn Dhamma.

We wish all leaders energy, compassion and wisdom in carrying out their mission.