Starting Gimhana Retreat together on Uposatha Day

Starting Gimhana Retreat together on Uposatha Day

Yesterday evening, on Thursday 6 June, devotees joined the first Gimhana Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre, in the company of good spiritual friends on the new-moon day of the Jettha month.  In the serenity of Nalanda Centre, we calmed our minds with evening chanting, meditation and refreshed our understanding of the Gimhana Retreat with Sis. Nandinī Tan.

This period is a time when we can commit ourselves to deepen our spiritual practice so that we can  reduce or break our habits which are driven by our defilements.  To deepen our morality (sīla), concentration (samādhi), and wisdom (pañña), we can undertake the five daily practices of morning chanting & aspiration, meditation, learning Dhamma, doing a random act of kindness and evening chanting & reflection.

We invite everyone to join us in this period of spiritual practice and reflection from wherever you may be.  For more information and resources on the daily practices, do visit and also share this with your family and friends.  May you be well and happy.