Student officers’ meeting

Student officers’ meeting

The new student officers went to pay respects to teacher Bro Tan.

The new student officers took the opportunity to pay respects to Bro Tan.

Recently, newly-elected student officers had a special meeting to understand their roles in leading their peers at Nalanda Dhamma School.  The School is specially catered for teenagers aged between 13 and 17.  Every student is placed in either one of the two ‘houses’ – Naga House or Garuda House.  At the beginning of every year, members of each House elect their officers – a House Captain, Deputy Captain and two House Prefects – to lead the team.  This has been the tradition of Nalanda Dhamma School since its inception in 2005.

While staying over at Nalanda Centre for their meeting, the new student officers went to pay respects to teacher Bro. Tan, who kindly advised them to do well in their studies and co-curricular activities at school.  At the same time, they should take the opportunity as student officers to enhance their communication and organizing skills.

Showing them a good book to read.

Bro. Tan showing students a good book to read. He also advised everyone to do well in studies and co-curricular activities at school.

Dhamma School students are potential leaders of our community in time to come.  Therefore, we should spare no effort in enabling them to lead in future, by imparting them with holistic education today.